They look like lottery ticket numbers: 24, 27, 25, 21 and 23. They're good numbers because those numbers are the forecast high temperatures for next Tuesday through Saturday. Circle December 21 on your calendar and then wait out the nasty weekend weather. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Meanwhile the winter storm warning starts at noon Friday and continues into Saturday. We could detect some snowfall by late tonight. is suggesting maybe a half-inch tonight. We will be warming to a high of 15 degrees Friday as the snow continues. Around 2-3 more inches could occur with another 3-plus inches on Friday night and another half-inch on Saturday. As far as blowing the driveway on Saturday, it could be challenge with winds expected at 15-20mph followed by a plunge to a low of -22 degrees on Saturday night. Sunday's high is expected to only reach -7 degrees.

Cold weather brings back memories of past cold weather events. I remember in early December 1976 I got in my old wreck of a first car. I reached up to adjust the rear view mirror and it broke off. I then started to crank down the window and that broke. I pulled out of the lot and signaled right only to have the turn signal snap off as well.  The cold had helped me break off three things in my car in the space of a couple minutes. Luckily the transmission gave out a week or so later so losing so many parts didn't prove to be all that important. Quit laughing. Remember your first car?

Circle December 21 and let's get ready for a little warm-up celebration on Tuesday.

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