4-H Projects At The Steele County Fair
When attending the Steele County Fair, make sure to check out the 4-H buildings and the fantastic projects. The talent these young folks exhibit is really something. I always leave the building shaking my head. I got short-changed a talent somewhere along the line.
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Here's a restored ATV by an eighth grader. Wow.
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I wouldn't mind being a judge in this competition. The older furniture is a nice touch for displaying these projects.
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There are two areas of clothing in 4-H. Some are those sewn by the 4-H'er and the other category are those purchased by a 4-H'er.
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A lot of the 4-H'ers grow flowers and plants. This is an impressive display of some of them. Those lights really add something to it.
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Soap Box Derby
The Soap Box Derby isn't as big as it once was but there's still an interest in it.i
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