Mayo Health Dr. John Sauer is an orthopedics specialist working out of the Faribault clinic.  He was a guest on our KDHL AM Minnesota program Monday.  Most of the program was devoted to a discussion about arthritis.

I have the malady myself so it's a topic near and dear to my heart or should I say hands, shoulders and knees.  Dr. Sauer explained arthritis is an inflammation of a joint.  One of the myths is it only happens to older people.  The Mayo physician says the youngest patient he has treated for rheumatoid arthritis was 7 years old.

We also touched on bursitis and osteoarthritis.  Dr. Sauer told us feeling pain in your joints doesn't automatically mean you have arthritis.  There are other problems that can arise causing such a symptom.  The best thing is to get a diagnosis and then a plan of attack can be executed.

If normal activity becomes difficult there are ways arthritic pain can be treated.  We discussed non-surgical as well as surgical options of treatment.  If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment the Faribault Mayo Clinic phone number is 507-333-3300.

If you were unable to tune in to the show live you can listen here at your leisure.

Part 1

Part 2

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