Christmas Bird Count Numbers
The 46th Owatonna Christmas Bird Count was a big success. A goal was set to garner 100 counters and it was oh so close with a record 99 participants. Another record was set with 85 feeder counters.
A total of 7,368 individual birds were counted which is 5th highest on record. 49 different species were spotted which is the 2nd highest.The all time high for House Sparrows was set in 1985 with 2,904. This count marked the lowest ever with just 370 detected. Purple finches continue to drop. In 1972 a high of 260 were counted. The most recent count found just 3. House finches are a different story. In 1989 23 were counted but this year a total of 241 were spotted. A trend I'd say.
The warmer temperatures around the freeing mark allowed parts of Lake Kohlmier to refrain from freezing leading to many geese and mallards landing. Included in that total were 4 Trumpeter Swans.
There was a total of 28 first-time counters in this most recent bird count.