Should St. Cloud Follow St. Paul’s New Approach To Panhandling?
The City of St. Paul is telling motorists NO. Signs have started popping up at busy intersections across the city, discouraging drivers from giving money to panhandlers set up at the busy intersections. St. Paul instead is encouraging people to donate to organizations that help the homeless. Should St. Cloud take the same approach to panhandling?
Fox 9 last night spotlighted the change in St. Paul, noting the signage, and stating that the City of St. Paul is also pushing this change in the name of public safety.
The new advice to St. Paul drivers is part of a program called "Be the Solution". St. Paul's website describes the program as "provid[ing] an alternative that ensures your generosity contributes to comprehensive and sustainable support. By donating to local organizations through this initiative, you help build long-term solutions that address the root causes of poverty and homelessness."

A public safety aspect is also addressed with panhandling, "“Be the Solution” also aims to enhance public safety. Panhandling often occurs on busy streets and intersections, where individuals may walk in traffic or sit and lie down, making them harder to see for drivers, bikers, and pedestrians. This poses significant risks to everyone using the roadways."
For those who argue panhandling is illegal, it is covered by the First Amendment. According to the City of Woodbury's website:
The courts have ruled that panhandlers are protected by the First Amendment and may stand passively and display their signs. However, they may not behave aggressively or interfere with traffic flow.
The overall idea is if people know they aren't going to get money from motorists, they will move from the busy intersections, and hopefully to the organizations that can offer help with vouchers, food, shelter, etc.
Watching the report from Fox 9, and reading through the program online it makes sense to me, so should St. Cloud look to adopt something similar? I know panhandling isn't as rampant here as it can be in the Twin Cities, but there do seem some hot spots where it's pretty common. (Co. Rd. 75 at Taco Bell and Lincoln Ave and Highway 23)
I'm not sure that just signs would be enough to deter people from helping, but...maybe I'm wrong.
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