I may be big, but that's because I'm not big on exercise. The apartment building that I currently reside in has a little gym that I've used approximately ZERO times. I have some physical therapy gear that I've used approximately ZERO times. I wasn't always like this.

I used to run. A lot. This was when I lived up north among the bears, so they kept me on my toes (and heel-toe heel-toe heel-toe). Even with the ever-present threat of bears, various varmints, and distracted drivers, I always wore headphones that blasted LOUD metal music. I've never been one for rawdogging life, even when it was the hip thing to do. It turns out that while I was on my runner's high, I was also on to something...

Listening to Music While Working Out Decreases Exertion

For the 54% of 'Mericans who read at or below a 6th-grade level: exertion is the use of physical or mental effort.

An Oxford psychology professor (nerd teacher of nerds) says that listening to music while working out releases chemicals (chemtrails in your brain) that dull pain and make you less tired. WITCHCRAFT!

If you interact with the music (sing along or dance to it), you'll get even MORE of the brain chemtrails because the workout becomes a form of musical expression.

Another way of leveling up your workout with music is by using playlists specifically-tailored to the workout you're smashing.

If that's too much exertion (is there a playlist to listen to while making playlists?), just do as I did when I was a squirrel chaser and default to Manowar.

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H/T: Independent

Christmas Workout

Either before or after Christmas, if you ever need a workout push, here it is!

Gallery Credit: Adlynn Jamaludin, Townsquare Media Laramie

Can You Complete The Workout Required Of Firefighters?

Here is what it takes to pass the physical exam for the Boise fire department.

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas