Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - The City of Rochester has been awarded a nearly $500,000 grant for improvements at Quarry Hill Park.

The city has announced that the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission has selected the park in northeast Rochester and 13 other parks and trails throughout the state to share in $13.5 million in funding. The award for Quarry Hill Park and Nature Center is $477,276.

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“We are grateful to be selected for this grant, which will help us improve accessibility, protect cultural resources, add interpretive signage and enhance safety at Quarry Hill,” said Park Planner Jeff Feece. “These improvements will further strengthen Quarry Hill as a place for learning, teaching and recreation.”

A news release indicates Olmsted County's Chester Woods Park has also been awarded a grant through the program that totals $185,000.

Chester Woods Park/Facebook
Chester Woods Park/Facebook

The funding for the statewide program comes from Minnesota's Legacy Fund, which receives money from a dedicated sales tax that was approved by voters in 2008.

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Refrigerators are a great convenience, keeping food fresh and beer cold. However, these 12 foods don’t belong in cold storage.

Gallery Credit: Jake Foster