UNDATED (WJON News) -- We didn't get a lot of snow, but with the snow falling overnight and early Monday morning it did impact the morning commute for a lot of workers.

The Minnesota State Patrol says from midnight through 2:00 p.m. they responded to 137 crashes involving damage to vehicles.

Fourteen people were hurt in those crashes.  One person died in a crash in Bloomington.

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45 vehicles went into the ditch and needed assistance, along with six vehicle spinouts and one jackknifed semi.


LOOKS: Things You'd Find in Your Grandpa's Garage

Adventures were plentiful in the domain of your family's patriarch who saw no use for rules - unless he was the one making them. From rusty tools to a stack of filthy magazines, Grandpa's garage was a land of mystery and danger.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz