Luther College Concert Band Coming To Kasson
The Luther College Concert Band is currently on a tour of Midwest cities. They are scheduled to perform at the Minnesota Wi-Fi Performing Arts Center at the Kasson-Mantorville high School in Kasson on Monday, March 26. The concert starts at 7PM and the public is invited. There will be a freewill donation taken at the door.
The band is comprised of nearly 60 student musicians with many of them also involved in choir, orchestra or a jazz ensemble.The Luther College Concert Band was formed in 1878. The concert on the 26th will feature music such as the classic Stars and Strips Forever along with other numbers such as Centennial Celebration Fanfare, Lullaby for Noah, Starsplitter and more.
The band is under the direction of Joan deAlbuquerque. She has a bachelor of Arts in music from Michigan State and has been director at Luther since 2011.