Minnesota Community Comes Together For 17-Year-Old With Cancer
Meet a very special young man by the name of Cole Carlson. Cole is a junior at Pillager High School. He turned 17 years old in August of last year and is the son of Mike and Tammi Carlson.
Just after celebrating his Golden birthday, he received news that he had a form of cancer known as Ewing Sarcoma. Ewing Sarcoma is a very rare form of cancer that presents itself as a soft tissue tumor. In Cole's case, the soft tissue cancer has wrapped around his spine, making it inoperable.

Cole and his family are adjusting to a new way of life for now, with Cole's current treatment plan running for 40 weeks of chemotherapy at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. After week 12, Cole and his mother Tammi will be moving to Rochester so Cole can continue his chemo treatment, but also receive specialized radiation treatments.
As you can imagine, Tammi has decided to take a leave of absence from her job, so she can be there to assist with the treatments and caregiving for Cole.
We are hoping that you will help Cole and his family through this difficult time. There will be a benefit on Saturday, March 11th at Zorbaz in Lakeshore, Minnesota. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. The benefit is being run through the Lilleberg Family Foundation, which is a 501(c)3, so any donations you make will be tax deductible, if you decide to be a food sponsor, make a monetary donation, or provide baskets and/or items for the silent auction.
If you would like to make donations for food sponsorship, monetary, or for silent auction baskets and items, they are asking you to send them in by February 28th.
Note: All donations should be made out to Lilleberg Family Foundation with Cole Carlson in the memo line.
Donations can be mailed to:
Cornhole for Cole
c/o Misty Cremers
10344 County Road 1 SW
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
The benefit will be going on from 11 am to 7 pm on March 11th. There will be food, drink specials, a 50/50 raffle, a cornhole tournament, and more.
- Cornhole Tourny from 11 to 3: $20 per person
- Turkey shootout 11 to 7: $5 per game
- Hockey shootout 11 to 7: $5 per game
- Meal to be served from 3 to 6 pm $10 per person
- Live Auction from 4-5 pm
- Silent Auction from 11 to 6
- Raffle drawing at 6:30: $50 per ticket
Prizes include:
- Polaris Sportsman 450 ATV
- Traeger Pro Series 22 Pellet Grill
- Ruger 10/22
- Yeti Cooler
- $100 cash prizes
If anyone has any questions you can contact Misty Cremers at 218.839.7471 or you can email colecarlsoncancerbenefit@gmail.com.
There is also a GoFundMe page set up if you would like to make an online contribution. You can click HERE now to be taken to the page and learn more about Cole.
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