Minnesota Man Dies After Being Run Over by Multiple Vehicles

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St. Paul, MN (KROC-AM News) - The State Patrol says a 25-year-old Lakeville man was killed early this morning when he ran out into the traffic lanes on I-94 in St. Paul after crashing his car into a guardrail.
The report on the deadly incident indicates the victim was driving east on I-94 about a mile east of the University of Minnesota campus when his car went into the median and struck the guardrail just before 3:30 a.m. The State Patrol says, following the crash, the young man ran into the traffic lanes and was knocked down when he ran into the side of a passing vehicle.
He was then run over by multiple vehicles and died at the crash scene. The name of the victim has not been released.
FILL IN THE BLANK: Rochester has way too many ________.
If someone asked you, "What does Rochester have too many of?", what would you say? I asked that question to people living in the Med City and got quite the list of answers. Some might make you laugh (cause they are true) and others may have you scratching your head a bit because this is the first time you've realized we have a few issues happening in our gorgeous city. Scroll through the list that were sent to me and see how many you agree with.
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