Minnesotan Pulls Off Approval for NSFW License Plate
It isn't often an inappropriate custom license plate slips past the Minnesota Department of Public and Traffic Safety, but when it does it tends to make the rounds online. That's the case with this custom license plate that was shared on Facebook this week.
I have a friend with the nickname Moose, and as I was scrolling through my newsfeed I saw he was tagged in a photo of a custom plate. Upon further inspection of the post, I understood why.
The picture he got tagged in featured a Minnesota Critical Habitat license plate with a moose on it, with the plate letters "KNCKLE". The combo of the image and the words made up "moose knuckle".
Facebook user Amanda Marie was the original poster of this plate photo:

For those unaware, a "moose knuckle" is defined on Urban Dictionary as:
A man's version of a camel toe. The result of wearing spandex, or pants that are way too tight--resulting in an unsightly bulge of his junk.
It's pretty hilarious that someone was clever enough to think of this as a license plate, and it's even better that it slipped past the person who was approving custom license plates.
The moose license plate is a Critical Habitat plate that features a moose drawn by Minnesota artist Les Kouba. Portions of the proceeds from sales of "Call of the Moose" artwork and license products support DNR moose management and research.
So even though this person's license plate is hilarious and slightly inappropriate, it's also helping the moose population in Minnesota. It's a win-win.
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