Owatonna Robotics Team Qualifies for State Competition
The Rebel Alliance has done it again. For the fourth straight year the Owatonna High School robotics teams has been invited to the state competition.
The Minnesota State High School League, in conjunction with FIRST Robotics, will host the state competition Saturday, May 21, at Marucci Arena at the University of Minnesota. No admission is charged to attend.
Owatonna's score from an early March event in Duluth was sufficient to be one of the 30 teams invited to state. The OHS team made it to the finals that day and came home with a creativity award. Rochester and Faribault are also going to state.
Teams began assembling their robots in January. This year's task is for the robot to navigate its way through obstacles and shoot balls through targets. A video of the Owatonna robot in action is posted on the Owatonna Magnet website. Robotics teams form alliances at each event and work together to outscore the opposing alliance.
Owatonna's robotics team came up with the moniker Rebel Alliance in 2012 when they formed their team and uses that name instead of Huskies.
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