Owatonnans Went ‘Cruising Main’ Friday Night
Back in the 90's, for my friends and generation, Owatonna was THE place to be on the weekends. If you had a car, or friends with a car, you headed down to Cedar Ave for some cruising. Called it "cruising main" starting a block north of where Food N Fuel is located, and going all the way down Cedar, around Central Park, and then back up. This was our hang-out. This was where we went to see and be seen.
I have so many great memories of cruising, even better than in my hometown, yes we drove 30 minutes in order to cruise in Owatonna. And, if you had a CB, even better. You could meet up with your friends, Breaker 19 anyone? Remember, this is before the time of cell phones for the masses.
According to my social media feed last night, before the Stay at Home Executive Order from Gov. Walz was set to go into effect, people were cruising main. And, were they ever! Cedar was backed up just like I remember, people playing their music, honking, waving, all being very positive and getting out before we are supposed to stay home. I even headed down to see it. I parked and walked up to Cedar, ran into one of my friends, and just like "back in the day" hopped in his pick-up for a lap.
I can't put into words the feelings that were present, from everyone. Every age group was represented, I saw several of my friends, all middle-aged people, several teens, young adults, even little kids in the vehicles waving. It feels as though Owatonna came together for one last big blow-out while practicing social distancing before we stay in for the next 2 weeks. It was an amazing sight to see. As much as I looked and looked in Social Media, I could not find anything to let me know who had the original idea to cruise. Whoever you are, Thank You!! This was a night to remember. Good clean fun that families enjoyed and those in my age-group could introduce to their children/grandchildren.

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