Shop With Santa Is Saturday
The annual Shop With Santa makes its return Saturday, December 2 at St. John Lutheran Church in Owatonna. This is an opportunity for youngsters age 4 through 6th grade to do their own Christmas shopping. Numbered bags are handed out between 7AM until 11:30AM. Kids can then shop with a helper other than their parents or guardian and pick out their own Christmas gift between 8AM and noon. Each shopping bag has a number on it. While waiting for their number to be called, they may fill out name tags for gifts, watch movies and take part in other activities.
All gifts are priced at $5 or less with many ranging between $1 and $2. These gifts are made and donated by Steele County 4-H'ers and proceeds benefit our area 4'Her's.
Treats, juice, milk and coffee will be available for purchase for waiting parents.
Sandy Jirele gives us example of some of the gifts ideas that will be available.
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