First Filing For Hagedorn SeatFirst Filing For Hagedorn SeatFilings for the seat opened Tuesday.Kim DavidKim David
Governor Walz Signs Special Election Order For Hagedorn SeatGovernor Walz Signs Special Election Order For Hagedorn SeatIf a primary is needed, it will be held in May.Kim DavidKim David
Changes Made To Minnesota’s First Congressional DistrictChanges Made To Minnesota’s First Congressional DistrictThe 2022 elections will be affected by the new maps.Kim DavidKim David
Don’t Fall For The ‘Additional Postage’-Two Stamp Ballot Scare TacticDon’t Fall For The ‘Additional Postage’-Two Stamp Ballot Scare TacticGet the truth about the memes warning people that their absentee ballot won't count if you don't affix the right amount of postage.Steve TankoSteve Tanko