
Is Minnesota Green?
Is Minnesota Green?
Is Minnesota Green?
Minnesota is not doing to bad as far as being a Green State goes. According to wallethub.com, Minnesota is ranked as the seventh Greenest State. The states above us are: 1. Vermont 2. Massachusetts 3. Oregon 4. Washington 5. Connecticut 6...
Farmers in a Bind
Farmers in a Bind
Farmers in a Bind
Farmers are hearing a lot in the news about the proposed law requiring that landowners will have to apply for a permit to mow the road ditch along state highways. In addition, mowing would not be permitted during the primary nesting season...
CRWP Director Resigns
CRWP Director Resigns
CRWP Director Resigns
In a news release email to KDHL on Monday, the Cannon River Watershed Partnership announced that executive director Bradley Frazier has resigned, effective immediately. He stated that he is wanting to explore other opportunities and things that he has interest in...
Trump Reverses WOTUS
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order reversing President Barack Obama's executive order on Waters of the United States, or WOTUS. This controversy dates back to the Clean Water Act passed by Congress and signed by the president in the 1970s...
Farmers Protest Hog Farm
Farmers Protest Hog Farm
Farmers Protest Hog Farm
People of Zumbrota, residents and farmers alike, protested at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency headquarters in St. Paul. They claim the agency released inaccurate reviews of the possible environmental impacts of what they call a factory hog farm in the area...
Saving the Monarch
Saving the Monarch
Saving the Monarch
The Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency has announced an effort to create habitat for monarch butterflies and other pollinators in its eight-member communities. It's estimated the monarch population has diminished by as much as 90 percent in some parts of the United States...