This Is Wrong
Patti Braatsh Turi of the Owatonna Arts Center Board of Directors along with Kim Purscell of Etiquette Matters were guests on AM 1390's Talk of the Town. One of the upcoming events at the Arts Center will be an Afternoon Tea on Saturday, May 26 from 2-4PM. Kim will be discussing etiquette. Before we went on the air the topic of drinking tea with one's pinky finger extended was brought up. Kim says that's wrong. Holding one's finger out can be interpreted as snobbish. This class is for almost anyone. For little girls who want to someday be a princess to people who are just curious about etiquette. Some may need this class for other outside activities and functions while others can just come and learn. Topics covered will be on holding the cup and saucer properly. Did you know there is also a proper way to stir tea? Posture is important too. The day will also include food being served French Style and Russian Style. I had no clue. Tickets for this tea need to be purchased by May 20 at the Arts Center or Kottke Jewelers.
My goodness I am so far from being a person with good manners. I know your napkin goes on your lap and that's pretty much it. If you spill enough, you may not have to go back for seconds. My idea of a fancy restaurant is one that has more than one fork and cloth napkins. I believe there's also an unwritten rule on how many times you chew your food. As a youngster I remember my elderly grandma sitting with her chin cupped in her hands staring at me and telling me to chew a few more times. I thought it was grandmotherly love. However, now that I'm approaching the age she was and knowing my dental history I suspect she was actually reminiscing while watching me chew. Ah yes the good old days when I could chew.
Kim's class on etiquette is just one of several upcoming events. Find out more by going to the Owatonna Arts Center web site.
Now after your tea there's the dishes. Are you using your dishwasher improperly?
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