Alonso Hernandez Benefit
I'm sure you've heard just as I have how Steele County residents are ready to answer the call when someone is in need. This Saturday, October 21 there will be a benefit for Alonso Hernandez. Alonso is General Manager of the Steele County Food Shelf and has also served on the habitat for Humanity board and been involved with the Cultural Diversity Network.
A couple years ago Alonso began experiencing back pain. What was thought to be simply a back ache turned into a need for a kidney. His kidneys were found to be functioning at just 25%. Kidney disease is one of those sneak afflictions that a person may have for quite a while before realizing it. Alonso has gone through numerous dialysis treatments. This fund raiser is to help defray medical costs associated with a kidney transplant.
The Spaghetti supper on Saturday will be at the Owatonna Eagles from 4-7PM. Tickets for $10 are available at Kottke Jewelers, Steele County Food Shelf, Dow Chiropractic and Kent Rossi Law Office. There will also be a silent auction that night. Donations may also be made to the Alonso Hernandez Benefit in care of US Bank.
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