Do You Know Someone Who Has Trouble Breathing?
The top two killers of Americans is heart disease followed by cancer. Number three on the list if lower respiratory disease. This includes among other afflictions bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and COPD. In fact it's thought around 11 million Americans have COPD. Those who have difficulty breathing due to the above diseases or from other illnesses such as Pulmonary Fibrosis and others, there will be a free learning to breathe easier event on Tuesday, May 8. It begins at 5:30PM at the Owatonna Hospital in conference rooms 1484/148.
Attendees will learn about convenient local treatment options that are available.Guest speakers include a respiratory therapist and an occupational therapist. There will also be a testimonial from a recent patient and a tour of the facility. The evening also includes a question and answer session.
To find out more or to register for this free informational session, call (507)-977-2190.
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