Faribault Goats Will Recycle Your Christmas Tree
It sounds like a win-win situation. Once again River Bend Nature Center will offer you the opportunity to recycle your Christmas greenery with goats. Goat Dispatch comprises a group of goats owned by Jake and Amanda Langeslag that specializes in land management using the natural process. You know what I mean. They're also used to remove invasive and pest plant species as well. The ground is snow covered and it's a little hard to find something green to eat. That's where your Christmas tree and wreaths come into play.
Drop off your real Christmas trees and wreaths to the Goat Dispatch goats by dropping them off in the designated area of River Bend's parking lot. A donation will be accepted. Make sure your trees are free of ornaments, metal, stands and are not flocked. There will be no pick-up this year.
The goats get something green and tasty, River Bend gets some money from your donation and you help out area landfills. It's win-win. The goats will be on display during River Bend's Winterfest on Saturday, January 21.