Pigeons Cause a Scene at Minnesota High School During Prank
As school is coming to an end for the summer some high school seniors are participating in the well-known 'senior prank'. There's not always a senior prank and it seems like most of them don't cause too much of a raucous but this senior prank at Prior Lake High School in Minnesota did cause quite the scene.
The prank happened last Thursday, June 2nd during one of the high school's lunch periods. The school's principal, John Bezek, told families of students in an email that it happened during their busiest lunch period of about 1,000 students.

What happened was a group of seniors released two pigeons (that students had been keeping in their backpacks that day) into the cafeteria and dropped water balloons and flour from an upper level, according to Bring Me the News. I can't imagine having to clean up after all of that. No thanks!
As of Friday most of the seniors who participated in the prank had been identified. All participating students will be suspended and removed from their graduation ceremony.
If there was a senior prank at my school I wasn't involved in it and I don't remember what it was. I do remember there being a senior skip day, where seniors would not show up to school unannounced. I didn't participate in that either. Miss Goody Two Shoes over here!
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