Blooming Prairie Cancer Auction
The 17th annual Blooming Prairie Cancer Auction will be Friday, September 8 and Saturday, September 9 starting at 7PM under the big top. There are other happenings to help raise funds in the fight against cancer as well. The Blossom volley ballers will be raising funds Tuesday night September 5 as they take on not only another opponent on the court but also cancer. The football team will be warming up before their game in pink jerseys which will be auctioned off.
Last week 250 pink flags were raised in the field of flags to call attention to the fight against cancer.
Saturday, September 9 there will be the 5th annual 5K Walk/Run For A Cure. Registration begins at 8:30AM and the Walk/Run starts at 10AM. Also at the Field of Flags $5 haircuts will offered along with face painting and a bounce house. Bingo with prizes will be played 4:30-6:30PM on Saturday with the Stix of Fury performing just prior to the start of the auction.
Items up for bids include a handmade stained glass end table, a handmade bench made with a vintage Ford tailgate, a two night stay on a houseboat in Wisconsin along with a 7 day stay in a beach home in Fort Myers, Florida and more.
The public is invited.