Best Minnesota Restaurant for Outdoor Seating 90 Minutes from Rochester
During the summer months, outdoor dining is a must whenever possible. We don't get warm weather here for very long! There are plenty of great outdoor dining spots around southeast Minnesota and Minnesota in general but one restaurant, in particular, has been declared to have the best outdoor dining in the state.
What makes an outdoor dining area the best? For me, there would have to be great views, umbrellas for hot days and heaters for cold days, nicely cared for plants, cozy lighting, and at least a little bit of privacy from roads and sidewalks.

I can't say if there are heaters at this restaurant, but everything else on my checklist is accounted for at the restaurant that, according to Love Food, has the best outdoor dining in Minnesota. It's located about 90 minutes from Rochester in Minneapolis. The place is called Cafe and Bar Lurcat.
The outdoor dining looks very nice. And while it's near a road it's right by Loring Park so the views are awesome. But wait. This patio above is not the reason why they were named the best outdoor dining in Minnesota.
Look at this place, it's beautiful!
It's in the back alley of the building where Cafe Lurcat is located. It makes it feel like you're dining somewhere in Europe. It's away from the road, the decor is amazing, and I'm a sucker for the big plants.
I'd love to have a date night here sometime! I'd imagine that the patio is super popular though so making a reservation is probably a good idea.
Keep scrolling for a list that I've created of some of the best outdoor dining in our area.
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