Get Ready for Another U.S. Postage Price Hike for Sunday
The cost of stamps has been going up. It's been increased several times in the past few years. But, if you look at it... it's still a bargain to be able to mail any normal sized envelope anywhere in the continental United States for 63 cents. That's up from the current 60 cents.
If you do still have forever stamps, no matter what you paid for them, they will work even with the price hike. Hence the name... forever stamps.
There is a trend with people not buying stamps because they don't mail anything anymore. People are opting for bill pay through their bank and do everything online. But even those people will send out cards at the holidays or birthdays, sympathy or get well cards. That is probably the most use that any of those stamps will get... with some people. Others still buy stamps to mail their bills. Does anyone write and male letters anymore?
If you don't buy stamps you probably haven't even noticed that the price hikes have happened a few times recently. But there has been inflation, and it affects everyone. We still need postal workers, but there is less mail running though the post office.
From KARE 11:
This price hike will go into effect this Sunday. January 22.
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