Lenten Fish Fries
Tis the season if you're a fish lover. The Owatonna KC Hall and Lounge is once again the setting for numerous fish fries during Lent. Each fish fry benefits an area non profit. Here's the Friday lineup:
February 23 Medford Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters
March 2 Knights of Columbus Council 945 Projects and St. Vincent de Paul Society
March 9 Grandparents for Education
March 16 Relay for Life and Civil Air Patrol
March 23 Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus and Sacred Heart Music Ministry
March 30 Izaak Walton League
Meals are served at the Owatonna KC Hall from 5-7PM. It's all you can eat for $10 in advance or $11 at the door. The menu features baked and fried fish with whipped potatoes with country gravy, vegetable, coleslaw, roll along with coffee and milk.
The Hall is located at 820 South Elm in Owatonna.