Two Different UFO Sightings Reported In Duluth In The Past Month
Something spooky is happening: two different UFO sightings were reported in Duluth over the past month. One was reported in September and another earlier this month. Coincidence? We will have to see.
This is interesting news, considering Minnesota ranked low on a recent study about the best places for UFO lovers. The study came out in September and overall, said that if you are a UFO enthusiast, Minnesota is just not the place for you.
This may seem random but it makes sense when you look at it in the context of how they came to the conclusion of the study! They looked at things like number of UFO conventions and air force bases. Wisconsin also did poorly in the study.
I disagree with the study, as there are many UFO enthusiasts in the area that have plenty of resources! In fact, there is a paranormal presentation coming to Cloquet for those that want to learn more about all sorts of supernatural things. See what I mean?

If you live in the area, you may be lucky enough to have a UFO sighting yourself so you don't have to just learn about them secondhand. It seems like two different Duluthians had this experience recently.
I came across these sightings on a website that tracks UFO sightings across the country. The National UFO Reporting Center posts sightings that are sent to them from everywhere and there are always a handful from right here in the Northland.
UFO Sighting One: September 13th, 2022
This sighting happened in mid-September around 9:30 in the evening. According to the report, the supernatural sighting was a rectangle shape and was in the sky for about five minutes. The person who spotted the object said it was lit up with lights.
They also mentioned that it was a bright orange light and it was so bright that they happened to notice it in the sky. It was spotted above Lake Superior and stands out in the picture the person who saw it shared. Wow! It is hard to deny that it looks like a UFO in that picture.
UFO Sighting Two: October 5th, 2022
The second sighting happened just a few days ago on October 5th around 8 in the evening. The person who reported the sighting says it was a cylindrical shape. It appeared two times, lasting three minutes each time.
According to the sighting, there were lights on the object, just like the first sighting. What makes this one a bit different is that "an aura or haze" left a trail around the object and changed color. Missing time was also experienced, according to the report.
The reporting party gave even more details, saying that it was "below normal aircraft flight level" and was constantly changing directions and altitude. It was also green. The person who spotted this object in the sky was also able to take a picture so you can look at it and decide for yourself just what this object might be.
Of course, UFO sightings like this are nothing new for Northlanders. There have been a ton of sightings over the years, with a great example coming from Hibbing just a few months back. A resident was taking a dip in the hot tub when they spotted something crazy in the sky!