Voting Has Begun for MnDOT’s ‘Name a Snowplow’ Contest
The final 50 names have been selected for the Minnesota Department of Transportation's 'Name a Snowplow' contest. Voting has opened as of Wednesday the 19th and we get the final say in the new snowplow names!
KARE 11 reports that MnDOT had over 11,000 names submitted for their contest. I really can't imagine having to go through all of those and then picking only 50. Of course, some were probably easy no's, but going through 11,000 submissions still takes a lot of time so shoutout to whoever did that.
Voting is open for one week, so the last day to vote is Wednesday, January 26th. When you go vote for your favorite, you can pick up to 8. The 8 names with the most votes will be the winning names, one name for each MnDOT district.

To remind you of the incredible names that were selected last year (my favorite is the Metro District plow name):
Plowy McPlowFace – Metro District
Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya – District 4
Duck Duck Orange Truck – District 1
Plow Bunyan – District 2
Snowbi Wan Kenobi – District 6
F. Salt Fitzgerald – District 7
Darth Blader – District 3
The Truck Formerly Known As Plow – District 8
Not to sway your vote or anything but some of my favorites on the list out of the 50 have to be Betty Whiteout, William Scrape-Speare, and Cntrl Salt Delete. So go vote for your 8 favorites. You can only vote once, so choose wisely! You can stay updated on the contest on MnDOT's Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.