NRHEG PTO Fundraiser
The NRHEG PTO will have their annual Community Night Out on Saturday, March 17 at the Wedgewood Cove of Albert Lea.The Silent Auction and Social Hour with appetizers and cash bar begins at 5PM with the live auction starting at 7PM.
Auction items include tickets to Gopher basketball and hockey games next season. Also Timberwolf tickets along with tickets to see the Eagles and Jimmy Buffet this summer. There will also be beef and hog portions auctioned off along with Panther quilts, a birthday party at Sparetime Entertainment and many themed baskets.
Advance tickets are $10 and on sale at the schools, State Bank of New Richland, Commerce Bank in Geneva, First National Bank in Ellendale and the Farmers State Bank in Hartland. Tickets at the door will be $15.
Proceeds will be used by the PTO to provide opportunities and experiences for the children of the NRHEG elementary grades.
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